4 Ways Social Media can Benefit your Business

Increase brand awareness & loyalty

Social Media is a unique platform that can be used to brand your business. If you’re company brands itself as “caring for customers”, you can use your voice on social media to present this brand. For example, at Motoza, we strive to build unique relationships with each of our clients. One way we do this on social media, is by engaging with our audience and using a personable voice in all of our posts. In addition to brand awareness, social media can be used to increase brand loyalty. When you are present on social media, you make it easier for your customers to find and connect with you. Customers will stay more loyal to your brand when they know who you are. Social media establishes your legitimacy as a company, which can lead to higher sales, more referrals, and indirect word-of-mouth marketing. By connecting with your customers on social media, you’re more likely to increase brand loyalty with those customers.


Geotarget Content

Running ads on social media can help your business because pretty much everyone is on it. Active users share material regularly throughout the day, which means your audience is certainly online. If you want your content to reach a specific audience, social media platforms, such as Facebook, provide a cost-effective way to promote your business and distribute content to a specific audience based on their location, gender, and interests. Targeting your content to a specific audience will increase your chances of having them click on your post, which will then redirect them to your website. So overall, running ads on social media not only helps your social media presence, but also brings awareness to your website as well.


Find out what your competitors are doing

No matter what industry you’re in, every industry has competition. Finding ways to set your business apart from your competition can sometimes be difficult. Social media offers a new way to monitor your competition, and find new ways to set yourself apart. By monitoring your social media, you can gain key information about your competitors, such as what they are posting, sharing, and how they are branding themselves. This can help you identify what they’re doing right, what they’re doing wrong, and what opportunities you have to set your business apart from theirs. Social media presents limitless data that you can use to your advantage. This kind of information will allow you to make strategic business decisions to stay ahead of them.


Build relationships

Building relationships with your customers is a common goal for every business. The root of social media is about connecting with people, and building relationships. It’s a two-way channel where you not only push out content, but also have the opportunity to enrich relationships with your customers. Engaging with customers on social media helps drive results and enables you to gain insights in real time. Through daily engagement and social listening, you can gather relevant information about your customers and use it to make smarter business decisions. Social media gives the opportunity to respond instantly because users are able to immediately share their thoughts, questions, and comments with you. This unique opportunity allows your business to showcase how much you care and show that no customer goes unnoticed.


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